Sunday, October 22, 2006

RP Idea

I wanna write something about criminal psychology. Basically, it is related to serial killers. The paper will be focused on a brief introducion of serial killers and why they kill cruelly. I also wanna discuss that whether their behaviors are affected by certain reasons (background, mistreatment..etc) or they are born to be monsters. I think I would like to pick up 2 to 3 famous cases to support my points.

Though I'm really interested in doing this research, there's a problem that is I'm not sure if I can collect firsthand data. It's kind of hard to ask common people about anything of this topic. But, since my father used to work in criminal field, maybe I can ask him that if he knows some professionals. If no, I'm afraid I'll have to change a new topic, which I dread very much. ><"


At 6:31 PM , Blogger dorisshih said...

Dear Eve,

We will keep discussing about your outline. Please post these two versions here for others to comment on.

How about possible articles for article review?



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